This blog has not died. I have just been really busy. I came across a journal that I used to take notes in when listening to a sermon. I am going to try to post them here every day mostly because it will give me something to think and ponder on daily. So here it goes for the first one:
My pastor named this sermon THE BODY OF CHRIST ephesians chp. 5 v25:
We are to represent Jesus in the world, In all that we do, every action, everything we say, the way we look.
We criple the body of christ when we don't show up for church because were all a part of the body.
1 chorinthians chp 3 v16
acts 17 v 24
1 kings chp 8 v7
We are the building of God, God is in our heart
1 peter chp 2 v1-5
God sees things we can't see so when he asks us to do something we need to do it.
Jonah chp1
Humble yourself before God and repent (I have sinned for I did not know you stood in front of me)