Monday, August 9, 2010

A pillar

Right before and right after conference I found myself asking God what am I here for God? What is your purpose with me? I am always very moved to do something GREAT and BIG for you God but when it comes down to it. I never now what that great or big thing is that I should be doing for you then I just end up discouraged.
A while back I heard a sermon on being a pillar in the church and I really felt like God was speaking to my heart about it. I didn't exactly know what a pillar was, I new that it had something to do with the foundation of a building. And it didn't sound like it was a very BIG or Great thing to be for God.
I just looked up the meaning of pillar in the dictionary to my astonishment it means the support of a structure or monument of a structure.

Pil-lar: 1 A slender or vertical structure used as a support or monument; 2 A main support of something.

I'm shocked because when I was at conference the sermon that hit home was a sermon on monuments. And how every miracle God has done should be remembered as a monument. This is the stucture God wants me to have so that I can be a good pillar(a support for other people) in his church because without pillars the building will fall. So even though I am not musicly gifted, I am not a pastors wife nor does my husband have a calling to be a pastor I still have a wonderful spot in the kingdom of God. When I was not saved I had no spot anywhere no matter what degrees I had (only a beauty school one) or who I knew or how good I tried to be I still always felt like I had no place in the world. Now that I am saved and know the goodness of God I have a great place and am more than happy to have it.


  1. I must leave a comment on my own blog...Gene my nine year old just read it this post and said "there is two kinds of pillars" I said "what do you mean" he replied " the kind there are the kind that want to reach people for God and there are the kind that don't do anything for God" I think he has been listening at church. I also think he is going to do GREAT things for God.

  2. Good Morning Cassie,
    Being a pillar of a church is one of the most wonderful gifts you can have. You are their, not to just be their, but you are their as a support for your church and Gods people who are their. You are a support to a lot of people outside of your church also.

    You have helped me a lot in my times and trials.

    One the way home from church yesterday Jason and I where talking and he said he would love to have a family and a relationship like yours.

    You are also a Pillar of your own home which is where it all starts, by raising your children in the structure they need to be pillars of their own lives.

    I hope I did not mess up the whole meaning off Pillar but I definately think it is your wonderful gift from GOD.

    Love you, mom.

  3. Yes you hit the nail on the head. so so true. And w/o the pillars, everyone would just get sent out and there'd be no one left in the church!! Pillars stand strong and true through earthquakes and trials!

    Your role is vitally important. I always think of the Gash's and my parents & the Green's in McMinniville. They have stood the test of time!
